Equipping Disciple-Makers to Lead Like Jesus.

Helping Disciples Become Like Jesus.

Discples Made Journey

Did you set out to change the world but find yourself running on empty?

Do you want to help people find their callings, not just sign up for the next empty volunteer slot? Are you longing for an authentic, vulnerable community but unsure how to nurture it?

Start Making Disciples

Our comprehensive disciple-making experiences are designed to bring real transformation to individuals, small groups, and churches looking for more.

Fully Alive App Disciples Made

Fully Alive App

Digital platform & community to help disciples become like Jesus & disciple-makers to lead like Jesus.

Coaching by Disciples Made


Group and individual coaching to create the most effective experiences possible.

Gifts Passion Story Disciples Made


Transform your church, network, or business into a place where everyone is living out their Masterpiece Mission.

Disciples Made creates real change.

Our Goal is Real Change

We focus on habits and outcomes—and track them in our Fully Alive app.

These experiences deliver high value: Nothing short of disciples, servant leaders, and everyday individuals who want to live their faith right where God has positioned them.

We believe everyone should be empowered to fulfill their callings — whether in business, organizations, churches, ministries, or on the mission field. Individuals living Fully Alive can influence those around them, multiplying influential leaders.

Our Guarantee

Follow the plan, and you will see a radical increase in character and personal calling, leading to an unprecedented number of new disciples and leaders.

Fully Alive App Disciples Made
Fully Alive App Disciples Made

Ancient Practices. 
Community Support.

Our Disciples Made experiences are supported by the Fully Alive by Disciple Made App that helps participants and community leaders track habits, track progress in character and calling, stay connected, learn from a variety of proven disciple-makers, and encourage one another.

Fully Alive eBook from Disciples Made


Download Your FREE
E-Book & Start Living
Fully Alive Today!

In every human, there is a gap between who we are and who we want to be. We long to love and be loved. We have a desire to make a difference. We need someone to help us close those gaps. Jesus made a promise in John 10:10. He said He came that every person could have life and live it to the fullest. That promise wasn't for a select few but for anyone who wants it. This is your invitation to live Fully Alive!

If you want to learn to live in such a way that it affects those around you, start your journey with our ebook, Fully Alive.

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